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Better Business

“How can we expect our employees to think and act like owners without first understanding how business works, what’s critical to success and how they can make a difference? When employees think, act and feel like owners… Everybody Wins!”
Jack Stack – President and CEO SRC Holdings Corporation.

Better Business

“How can we expect our employees to think and act like owners without first understanding how business works, what’s critical to success and how they can make a difference? When employees think, act and feel like owners… Everybody Wins!”
Jack Stack – President and CEO SRC Holdings Corporation.



Improving employee engagement through training




Improving employee engagement through training

Better Business For Colleagues

Better Business for Colleagues is a training programme developed by Capital for Colleagues.
The aim is to help those taking the course to:

  • Learn about the legal and regulatory framework the governs business;
  • Get a better understanding about how businesses operate;
  • Gain an insight into why businesses work the way they do

This programme will be valuable for Directors as well as those employees who work in the company.

It is particularly relevant for employees of businesses that are, or want to become, employee owned, so that they can develop the skills and behaviours to think and act like an owner.

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